Writing articles is a powerful, free way to promote your business. Because articles are a news source they are much more credible than a paid advertisement. This is a fantastic way to get your message in front of thousands of eyes. It can establish your credibility in your Industry; it can promote name recognition, and help you to introduce a new product to the world! Once you write an article don't just let it sit! Put it to work!
Here are 20 ways to MAXIMIZE the use of your articles!
1. Offer article as a FREE REPORT to customers.
2. Place articles on autoresponders
3. Offer article as a free gift when people refer others to you
4. Offer article as a free gift for subscribing to your opt in list
5. Use articles as weekly tips for newspaper columns, magazines, or ezines
6. Ask colleges, seminar or workshop presenters, and other training organizations if your article would make a nice addition to their training materials packet
7. Submit your article general knowledge directories such as ehow.com
8. Submit your site to specialized vertical portals specifically on your topic. Ex: marketing or business related resource sites like www.makingprofit.com
9. Submit your site to webmasters with sites where your article would complement their content
10.Use copies of your articles in your media kit or new client introduction pieces
11. Post articles in frames around the office. Visitors will see them when they come in.
12.Send out copies of articles with sales letters, meeting follow up letters, product release letters, It shows prospects that you are an industry leader by being "in the news".
13.Archive articles on your web site
14.Have piles of articles on display in your office for visitors to grab
15.Give permission on your web site for others to republish your articles if they include full bio.
16.Contact editors of ezines to see if they would be willing to publish your article in their ezine
17.Post your article to "content providing" directories
18.Swap articles with other ezine publishers
19.Group related articles together and publish as an ebook
20. Use articles as an add on bonus when people purchase your product
20 Tips How To Use Articles To Get Killer PR For Your Business
Labels: Get Killer PR, in Article Writing
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